"You have to give it away to keep it"
is a common saying in the 12 step programs such as AA and others. What this means is that we reinforce our recovery by sharing it with others.
The presenters in our ministry have learned this important lesson, if you want to really heal in a deeper way and learn the concepts of this program, it is helpful to write the talks and present them.
We have outlines that will encourage you to come up with your own real life examples.
There is something incredible that happens when you tell your own story - it liberates you from the pain.
The devil doesn’t want you to share your story so you can be trapped in the circle of emotions.
Take control. This is your life and your story.
Let us help you let go of the emotional baggage of the wounds. God will use your story to help others heal too.
Telling Your Story is Healing.
It helps you process events
It helps you stay in touch with your true self.
It helps you know You Are Not Alone.
It helps you release negativity.
It humanizes you so that other couples can benefit from what you have to say.
Click the link below to contact us for more information.
Feel the Joy of guiding a hurting couple to “touch the hem of Jesus’ cloak” and be healed.
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