Community Coordinator

Job Description


The Executive Coordinator Couple provides the leadership for Twin Cities Retrouvaille to develop and carry out the vision and mission of Retrouvaille.  The Coordinating Couple acts as liaison in regional and Retrouvaille International activities.

The Essential Functions of the Position

  • Convene and preside over the monthly TCR Board Meetings currently held 3rd Tuesday of the Month, 7pm, via MSTeams.

  • Act as the executive representative of TCR at Retrouvaille International community meetings and represent the opinion of the TCR community members and TCR board members.

  • Act as the executive representative of TCR at the North Central Regional Gathering currently being held at the Green Lake Conference Center in Wisconsin every Spring.

  • Provide direction for other volunteers and committee operations, including:

    • Finance

    • Discernment

    • Community Enrichment

    • Formation

    • IT and Website

    • Other committees as established

  • Guide the TCR board through the review of TCR’s vision and mission statement, developing yearly goals.  Establish a plan to carry them out.

  • Support the work of board members in all areas, including marketing, publicity, Weekends, Post Sessions, CORE, Formation Weekends, Writing-to-Heal Weekends, Marriage Enrichment, Digging Deeper Weekends, Volunteer Appreciation Events, Community Events, etc.

  • Ensure TCR’s fidelity to the Community and International Bylaws and Policies.

  • Provide leadership for programs that promote community growth and volunteer development through hosting and supporting community meetings and TCR social events.

  • Listen with an eagerness to understand the needs of the community.

Experience and Qualifications

  • Computer experience, ability to use Microsoft Office 365 and Outlook email program a plus.

  • Leadership and communication skills

  • Strong organizational skills

  • Passion for helping couples heal their marriage.

  • Energy and enthusiasm.

Monthly time commitment:  

6-10 hours a month, plus 2 hour monthly board meeting.

Coordinators strongly encouraged, to attend the annual International Council Meeting (ICM), North Central Regional Gathering (NCRG),and Formation or Marriage Enrichment. Cost to attend is paid by TCR.

Also encourage other TCR Board members to attend these Retrouvaille events.

Proverbs 20:28

"Good leadership is built on love and truth, for kindness and integrity are what keep leaders in their position of trust".

Please pray that the Holy Spirit will send TCR volunteers to keep this vital marriage ministry active in the Twin Cities.

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“The Final Confrontation between the Lord and

Satan will be over Family and Marriage.” ~ Sister Lucia

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